The Parish Pastoral Council is a consultative body that shares with the Pastor the building up of the body of Christ and his concern for the overall welfare of the parish family. Together with the Pastor and his staff, it helps establish overall goals and operating policies of the Parish in line with the Universal Church’s four-fold mission of proclaiming the Word of God, building and fortifying the Church community, praying and serving others in Christian charity. This will include discerning the needs – spiritual and material – of the parish community as well as planning, organizing, and initiating the implementation of structures required to fulfill these needs.
ALTAR GUILD – Lani Agustin (Coordinator); Mary Miguel (Assistant Coordinator)
ALTAR SERVERS – Nora Horrigan (Coordinator)
CANTORS – Lynn Obero (Coordinator)
LECTORS – Novie Ramos
SACRISTAN – Yola Beloy & Lita Gapas
In particular, these responsibilities involve:
Pastoral care. Ensuring that parishioners are served well by the parish and that they themselves have meaningful opportunities to contribute to the parish ministries. This requires establishing goals and policies for the parish and defines the means to achieve these goals.
Review. Monitoring and evaluating the work of the various committees and ministries of the parish, without becoming involved in the day-to-day details. and to work together as a council for the betterment of the parish.
Consultation. Providing consultative advice to the Pastor that requires consultation with parishioners and parish groups in order to represent them effectively in deliberations and decision making that affect parish life in general.
With the recent call by the Pope for a Synod on Synodality throughout the Christian world, members of this Council were actively involved in the various consultations among the various groups in the parish that resulted in a synodal synthesis subsequently submitted to the Archdiocese. A Synodal Synthesis, combining all inputs from various parishes throughout the Archdiocese, was subsequently received a copy of which is reproduced here in this website’s e-Library.
Current Officers of this Council from August 2023 are:
Chairperson – Art Guillermo
Vice Chairperson – Nick Murillo
Council Secretary – Cassidy Brown
Other FULL-TERM members: Lynn Obero and Susan Teodoro.
EX-OFFICIO members: Tabore Anethua, Helen Belda, Manny Beloy, Nora Cerda, Josephine Dianela, Noly Formoso, Nora Horrigan, and Novie Ramos.
COMMITTEE Chairpersons:
Christian Ongoing Formation – Nick Murillo (Chair) and Don del Castillo (Co-Chair)
Liturgy – Lani Agustin (Chair)
Social Action – Joan Lepage (Chair) and Manny Beloy (Vice Chair)
Parish & Community Life – Andrew Samonte (Chair) and Kingsley Nze (Co-Chair)
ST. VINCENT DE PAUL – Noly Formoso
PRO-LIFE MOVEMENT – Joan Lapage and Manny Beloy