Adult Faith Formation is a life-long process where a person of faith submits faith and life as clay to be shaped by God, as potter, according to the purpose in the Father’s creation of the human person (cf. Isaiah 64.8). At its root, the Faith Formation of the mature adult Catholic Christian is a collaborative undertaking between the person himself and the Holy Spirit of God.
Faith Formation is essentially accomplished by serious study of the Faith and candid reflection on the Faith in one’s own life—all done in the context of God’s presence in prayer, particularly the prayer of listening for the will of God.
Among the immediate fruits of Faith Formation is active and meaningful participation in the work of the Church: in the proclamation of the Word of God and in building the community of faith where the faithful pray together and serve one another and the world, all in God’s name.
Ongoing Adult Faith Formation opportunities are available in Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Parish by way of recurring prayer and reflection sessions. A group meets regularly every week to encounter God in the scripture readings for each coming Sunday Mass.
For more information on these weekly group meetings in the parish, please contact the Coordinator at this email address: FormationAtAssumption@gmail.com