Couples for Christ (CFC) is a Catholic movement intended for the renewal and strengthening of Christian family life.
In 2000, CFC was recognized by the Holy See (Vatican) as a private international association of the lay faithful of pontifical rights. We work for the renewal of families that will serve God and build generations of Christian leaders; and, we pursue total Christian liberation through social justice, respect for life, and work with the poor.
We conduct monthly prayer assemblies, teaching nights and household meetings. Our activities cater to all members of the family at any given stage of life-child, youth, young adult, single, married, elderly, divorced and widowed.
We are currently conducting Christian Life Program at the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Parish every Friday at 7:30 pm from October 7 – November 25, 2022. Everyone is welcome to attend.
For more information, you may reach us at any of the following:
Email: Kris Fontillas (Chapter Leader) at cfcottawaevangelization@gmail.com or
Don del Castillo (Church Relations Officer) at donmariz.cfcottawa@gmail.com
FB Page: https://www.facebook.com/cfchristottawa
Website: https://couplesforchrist.ca/