Service Schedule for Lectors and Eucharistic Ministers do change each month. For the current month schedule, please click on this page.
“The mission of the Holy Spirit in the liturgy of the Church is to prepare the assembly to encounter Christ…”
– Catechism #1112.
Get Involved!
Our Liturgy Committee, which reports to the Parish Pastoral Council, covers those assisting our celebrant priest during Holy Mass and other special liturgical celebrations:
o Hospitality (greeters, ushers, mass coordinators)
o Lectors o Eucharistic Ministers
o Altar Servers o Altar Guild
We welcome new volunteers. For those interested, you will need to fill up the Volunteer Information Form that, upon completion, you will need to drop off at the Parish Office. There is usually a short interview and an opportunity to meet the Pastor and the Parish Secretary in person. Please click here to access the form >>> Volunteer Information Form
In due course, you will be contacted by the Parish Office about the result of your submission, together with your assigned ministry service.
From time to time, workshops or training are conducted for new and existing members. For enquiries, you may contact: Mrs. Lanie Agustin at tel. 613-301-1975.