The marriage ceremony is replete with symbolism. The most common symbols used in Roman Catholic Marriage ceremonies are the candles, the ring, the veil and the cord. The candle is the symbol of love between the couples. The ring signifies eternal peace and holiness. The veil represents the strength of the groom and the protection that he offers to his bride. The cord unites the two souls into one and signifies the binding of love and sharing of love between the couples
One of the couple must be a registered member of the parish for at least six months and attending mass regularly in the parish .
Please make arrangements at the Parish Office at least eight months (preferably a year) before the wedding date for an interview with the Pastor and to ensure all requirements are met in time for the intended date of the wedding. Because there are many different cases in those getting married, such as previously married and divorced, mixed marriage, etc., such an interview will better address individual questions on a case-to-case basis.