MFC 2022 Theme: “Blessed Beyond Bounds”
MFC 2023 Theme: “Firm in faith, founded in love”
“Be watchful, stand firm in your faith, be courageous, be strong. Let all that you do be done in love.” – 1 Cor. 16:13-14
The Missionary Families of Christ, formerly known as Couples for Christ Foundation for Family and Life, is a Philippine-based Catholic charismatic lay community that emphasizes individual renewal, family life renewal, Church renewal, societal renewal and evangelization. MFC is a missionary body, and the families and individuals that make up this association are to strive to be instruments of the Holy Spirit in renewing the face of the earth. It currently has a presence in 56 countries around the world.
Members of our community adhere to several core values to guide them in their life and mission, namely: Centered on Christ, Evangelistic and Missionary, Focused on the family, Being community, Living a preferential option for the poor, Exercising servant leadership, and Being a servant to the Church. These values describe who we are and what we are called to do.
Organized into cell groups called a “household”, our members meet weekly either online or in-person at member residences for intimate prayer meetings and ongoing formation. Our members can also participate in annual conferences organized and hosted by rotated MFC chapters in Ontario. Those interested in joining a household can attend a Christian Life Seminar or the Live Christ Share Christ, which are open to parishioners of Assumption. For more information, please contact our representative Nick Murillo at email address murillo.nicolas@gmail.com.
Website for MFC Canada can be found here.