Latest Church Projects
o Installation of backflow prevention valves to our city water piping as mandated by the City of Ottawa
o Replacement of heating Boiler #1 controller.
o Upgrade to the church audio system.
o Certain sections of the aged flat roofs were replaced
o The Church’s front stairs, side steps (left & right) were replaced
o The stone support of the top landing were repaired & reinforced
o Maintenance works were done with the steel railings of the access ramp.
These was paid for by the Parish using your offerings & other donations. The builder also repaired and painted front doors of the Church free of charge! THANK YOU all for you support and please remember to pray for those who helped our parish community.
THE PARISH Finance Council (also known as the Parish Temporal Council) is a mandated body that has an advisory and consultative role with the pastor of the parish. It is a key element in promoting the financial health of a parish, assuring accountability, and assisting the pastor with his temporal responsibilities. It is accountable to the parish community and to the Archbishop of Ottawa-Cornwall. Its many responsibilities include:
Budget. To develop and recommend the annual budget for approval by the Pastor as well as conduct a periodic review of the actual income and expenditures of the parish to ensure expenses are within set limits as shown by the budget.
Financial Statements. To submit a complete annual Financial Report, along with an approved annual budget, to the Diocesan Administrator. Also to prepare and issue a financial report, at least semi-annually, to the Parish Pastoral Council and to the parish community through the parish weekly Bulletin.
Asset Maintenance. To recommend parish building maintenance and renovations in order to minimize costs through preventive maintenance, energy conservation, and the implementation of risk management programs and recommendations. This is to ensure parish properties remain in proper repair.
Internal Controls. To review existing practices or procedures and to make recommendations to the Pastor as to how those areas with identified shortcomings can be corrected.
Fundraising. To develop and/or review all fundraising or other income-producing proposals to ensure that these are consistent with the parish and archdiocesan mission and policies and to ensure that all appropriate archdiocesan approvals are obtained.
The current officers of the Finance Council are:
Chairperson – Mary Stanton
Vice Chairperson – Nieves Murillo
Council Secretary & Liaison to the Pastoral Council – Mark Morrison
Treasurer – Nenita Clark
Auditor – Charito Babol
OTHER members: Richard Horrigan & Jocelyn Bernabe
COMMITTEE Chairpersons:
Fundraising – Thelma Roger
Building – Mary Stanton
Maintenance – to be appointed on a later date