Our Pro-Life Ministry, which is part of the Development & Peace Committee of our Parish Pastoral Council, involves itself with the following pro-life activities:
March for Life – held each year in May at Ottawa’s Parliament Hill, this public demonstration of the prolife sentiments of Canadians throughout Ontario features invited speakers and even some members of Parliament during the afternoon after the rally that winds through Ottawa downtown nearby. Attended by thousands of marchers and participants from various parishes and Christian groups, Assumption parishioners are oftentimes present in this event.
Life Chain – part of the annual 40 Days for Life, some of our parishioners pray at designated street corners for an end to the scourge of abortion.
Other Supports – parishioners attend talks on prolife issues like euthanasia, abortion and others.
If interested in joining any of these activities, please contact our parish prolife representatives: Joan Lepage (Cell # 613-745-7935) of Manny Beloy (Cell # 613-843-8125).
Coming Events
October Prayer Vigil – this annual activity is also known as the Mid-point Rally under the banner of the 40 Days for Life campaign of the Archdiocese. Come and join us at The Morgentaler Abortuary located at 84 Bank St, Ottawa, Ottawa. We welcome your participation. For more information, please contact wanda40daysforlife@clife.ca or 613-299-2515. The Closing Rally is later held on a November Sunday, at 6PM. The vigil location, is again at the southwest corner of Queen and Bank Streets. Everyone is welcome.