Amid a worldwide background of reported clergy abuses that has clearly shaken the Catholic Church in recent years, the Archdiocese of Ottawa-Cornwall has recommended that parishes create the role of Safe Environment (SE) Coordinator to oversee matters related to the well being of their members and of those when they minister.
Among others, the responsibilities of the SE Coordinator include:
> Prevention of cases of abuse and misconduct by clergy and lay volunteers.
> Prepare, update, and ensure the application of SE policies and procedures.
> Manage reported abuse cases in the parish.
> Being the point person between the Archdiocese and the parish for SE matters.
Reflecting our parish commitment to ensure the safety and well being of our vulnerable members in our Church, the following preventative measures are being implemented for all its employees and lay volunteers:
> Requiring the Enhanced Police Information Check (EPIC) through the independent services of Sterling Backcheck every five years.
> Annual Declaration of Current Standing (with regards to conviction for any offence under the Criminal Code of Canada or for any negative involvement with the police).
> Code of Pastoral Conduct (to be read, understood, and signed with the signature page to be retained on file.
The above forms, together with the Personal Information Form (name, address, telephone number, email address, etc.) will be kept in a secure location in the parish (hard copy or electronic) with very limited access given its confidential nature.
Given that complaints are often received several decades after the event, these records will be kept permanently under the continuous responsibility of whoever is the SE Coordinator and the pastor.