Assumption Parish welcomes your donations for its normal operating upkeep, maintenance and obligations. Maintaining a 90+ years old building also has special needs that require expensive renovations and related expenses. As a registered non-profit entity, the parish will issue Tax Receipts to its identified donors after the end of each year.
You may donate to the parish in any of the following ways:
1. Drop a cheque payable to “Assumption Parish” at our Parish Office located at the left building annex adjacent to the Church building at Olmstead Street. Alternatively, your cheque could be dropped at the rectory mailbox by the door of the Parish Office. You could also mail the cheque to our parish address at 320 Olmstead Street, Vanier, Ontario K1L 7K3. (Parish office: Tel. 613-746-8503)
2. Sign the Pre-Authorized Debit Form and submit it to the Parish Office together with a copy of your void cheque. This will allow for automatic withdrawal from your bank account for your monthly parish offering. Once completed, please attach a void cheque to this PAD form. These can be dropped off at the Parish Office adjacent to the church building.
Your monthly donations will be processed on the day you specified in the form. Pre-Authorized Debit arrangements can be cancelled at any time upon notification to the Parish Office. Tax Receipts are issued after the end of the year (around February) summarizing your full year’s donations.
Please click here to access the form >>> Pre-Authorized Debit Form
3. For registered parishioners, we have provided a weekly pre-numbered envelope which show each Sunday’s needs: extra gifts for Hydro & Fuel (1st Sunday), Altar and Pastoral needs (2nd Sunday), Renovation Fund (3rd Sunday) and Clergy Support (4th Sunday). Please contact Parish Office at Tel. 613-746-8503 if you are missing your pre-numbered envelopes.
Thank you so much for your financial support.